Prescription Refills

It is of the utmost concern to us that we refill your medications in a timely manner.

It is our policy to give enough medication and refills until your next appointment. It is your responsibility to remain current with your appointment schedule and any required lab work in order to obtain enough medication on time. To minimize errors and for your safety, we ask that you provide us at least one month's notice for refills.

If the prescription was originally filled by us and you have had an appointment in the last 12 months, we will refill it provided you have a follow up appointment scheduled at least yearly.

If your refills have run out or if the doctor or physician assistant wrote you a prescription with no refills allowed, you may be advised to return to the office for further evaluation.

Our clinicians reserve the right to refuse refilling any medication at any time. In some instances, you may be required to come in for a visit to clinically evaluate you before your fill or refill.

We realize that the refill process can be frustrating for our patients due to the need for communication between pharmacies, physicians, our staff, and insurance companies. We appreciate your assistance and cooperation.

How do I obtain a refill on my prescription?

You may request a refill via MyUPMC (Preferred)


Call (412) 692-4914 and provide us with the following information in a refill message:

  • Your name (spell first and last name)
  • Your phone number (in case we need to contact you)
  • Date of birth
  • Prescription name
  • Strength
  • Number of times you are taking the medication per day
  • Pharmacy name and phone number


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How long are prescriptions valid?

Prescriptions for most medications may be filled for one year from the date they were written or until refills run out, whichever comes first. However, some prescriptions we commonly refill can only be refilled in 6-month intervals. Examples include: modafinil (Provigil) and armodafinil (Nuvigil).

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Can you mail a prescription to me?

We can mail you a paper prescription; however, it may take a week for you to receive it in the mail. Typically it is easier for us to send it directly to the pharmacy.

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What if my prescription was filled by another physician?

We will refill medications directly related to your MS condition if they were previously filled by a former neurologist or PCP.

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Controlled substance refills

Medication dose and directions need to be verified, then the paper prescription, required by the pharmacy, will be printed and signed by the physicians. We are unable to call such prescriptions in to the pharmacy. Mailing may take 7-10 business days. We will send you three months of prescriptions at a time once the appropriate dose has been determined. Until then, we will send you 1 month at a time. Please let us know as you refill your remaining dose of medication.

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Do you need to know if I am allergic to any medications?

Yes, it is very important that you inform us of any medication allergies or sensitivities or any pertinent medical conditions, e.g. diabetes, that have developed over time.

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What if I cannot afford my prescription?

Please refer to the section on financial assistance for some assistance programs.

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What if I am having side effects from my medication?

Unfortunately, side effects are common and unpredictable. They may improve or lessen over time.

SEVERE SIDE EFFECTS: If your side effects are severe, such as shortness of breath, tightness in the chest or throat, trouble swallowing, rash, or changes in your mental status, please discontinue your medication immediately and call 911 or go to the emergency room for immediate evaluation.

NON-URGENT SIDE EFFECTS: If your side effects are not urgent, please call (412) 692-4914 and discuss your medication issue with one of our medical staff members.

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What is a specialty medication?

A specialty medication is a high-cost drug that requires close supervision and monitoring for serious and/or complex chronic conditions. These medications typically require special storage, handling, and dosing procedures. It is frequently obtained through a mail order pharmacy, not your local pharmacy. Having to use multiple pharmacies to fill your medications can cause additional confusion with medication refills.

Chartwell (located in Western PA) is our preferred specialty pharmacy of the UPMC Health Plan. This pharmacy is most efficient and has a long history of providing expedited and excellent service. They work with each pharmaceutical co-pay assistance program. The following medications can be filled at Chartwell: Aubagio, Avonex, Beta Seron, Copaxone, Extavia, Gilenya, Tecfidera, Rituxan, and IVIG. Please let us know if you would like to have your prescription transferred to them.To reach Chartwell call (800) 366-6020 or (412) 920-2780.

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